Visual & Audio

Each Sunday the sound amplification is set up and operated. Services are sometimes recorded. For special services, a member of the team meets with the others involved in the service planning to establish the amplification needs.

A team also prepares and operates the data projection in Church each Sunday. Announcements and sermon materials for inclusion on the screens should be sent to no later than 7:00pm on Thursday prior to the Sunday. Special services require more notice. The preparation for each service takes 30 mins to 1 hour. A rota is operated and we need about 5 operators for the year.

If you would like to volunteer for either the audio team or projection team, please get in touch via email, or speak to a team member.

Projection Rota


DateServiceMinisterProjection/ Web StreamAudio MixMusic Coordinator
5/1/2025Morning Gareth McFaddenAaronDavid
12/1/2025MorningGareth McFaddenRichardMichael
19/1/2025MorningGareth McFaddenAndrewDavid
26/5/2025MorningGareth McFaddenRichardMichael


DateServiceMinisterProjection/ Web StreamAudio MixMusic Coordinator
2/2/2025MorningGareth McFaddenAaronMichael
9/2/2025MorningGareth McFaddenRichard David
16/2/2025MorningGareth McFaddenAndrewMichael
23/2/2025Morning Gareth McFaddenRichardDavid


DateServiceMinisterProjection/ Web StreamAudio MixMusic Coordinator
2/03/2025MorningGareth McFaddenAaronMichael
9/03/2025Morning Gareth McFaddenReuben/RichardDavid
16/03/2025Morning Gareth McFaddenAndrewMichael
23/03/2025Morning Gareth McFaddenReuben/Richard David
30/03/2025MorningGareth McFaddenAaronMichael