The Friendship Group is for any members of our Church and community who are free on a Friday afternoon. We encourage members of our local community and further afield to join us. We enjoy interesting speakers, short outings, afternoon tea, and a short epilogue. We attempt to provide a programme with something for everyone – male and female.
The Purpose:
To provide and opportunity each month for members to meet for fellowship, fun and friendship and develop new interests as we hear from interesting speakers etc.
How it Works:
The Friendship Group is for any members of our church and community who are free on Friday afternoon. We encourage members of our local community and further afield to join with us. We enjoy interesting speakers, short outings, afternoon tea and a short epilogue. We attempt to provide a programme with something for everyone – male and female. Everyone is welcome.
Main Activities:
Monthly meetings, New Year’s Dinner, Outings to various places. Usually one fundraising function per year. Other Info: Cost: a small contribution each month (no set amount). goes towards New Year’s dinner, outings etc. Transport provided for anyone who needs it by SACT or one of the Committee members. A grant from Antrim/Newtownabbey Council enhances the work of the group.